Alex Albu commenced his role as Clinical Manager at Lillington House in December 2021. Alex joined CFNC in 2015, as a Registered General Nurse, before progressing to the roles of Senior Nurse, Senior Nursing Team Leader, Deputy Clinical Manager, all at Helen Ley House and now Clinical Manager at Lillington House. He qualified as a nurse in Romania in 2014 and worked as a paramedic before starting at CFNC. Outside of work, Alex is a passionate beekeeper and enjoys spending time in nature and travelling.







Elizabeth Jackson, previously Acting Therapy Manager, was appointed Deputy Chief Executive in April 2021. Elizabeth joined CFNC as an Occupational Therapist in 2019. She completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa in 2012, followed by a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy in 2020. She has practised in a variety of settings including chronic care, acute care, academic hospitals and specialist rehabilitation. Since joining CFNC, Elizabeth has taken a keen interest in service development for the benefit of service users and the organisation alike.