Every penny can enhance the quality of life of our residents, young and old

With over 10 million people in the UK living with a brain injury or neurological condition that can result in a seriously impaired quality of life, donations to support providing care for these individuals in need has never been so important.

Castel Froma Neuro Care relies on the generous donations and money raised through fundraising to carry out our rehabilitation work, purchase necessary specialist equipment and provide social trips and activities for our residents.

How your donation can make a difference

The majority of our therapy department is charity-funded. Your money will go towards ensuring we can provide vital rehabilitation work and supply our residents with the best neurological care possible. Past donations have allowed us to provide invaluable hydrotherapy sessions to our residents, which has benefitted them both physically and emotionally.

If you would like to make a donation, no matter how big or small, please get in touch where a member of the team will let you know how you can make a difference.

Contribution to resident activities
Therapy sessions for residents
One session of physiotherapy
An outing into the community